Wednesday, January 14, 2009

True stories are often more shocking than the made up ones.

2009 marks the 50th anniversary of China's horrific invasion of Tibet. Apart from 50 years of genocide, torture, labour camps, the detention of children and environmental destruction on a scale that would turn a hardened logger into a greeny, it also marks 50 years of the world's disinterest - Tibet is a long way away and someone else's problem.

I wrote the following item ten years ago now on the 40th anniversary of killing. I am so sad that the situation in Tibet is definitely unimproved - if anything it has gotten much worse. This year, the 50th anniversary, it would be well to make one of our New Years resolutions to do just a little to help address this 50 year oversight. Many eyes and cameras will be on Tibet this year - it's your big chance to do something for the world.

Snap Snap, Feign a grin,
The Peoples Camera is watching you,
You'd better hide the truth within,
Animals of the Peoples Zoo.

The World must see a happy face,
And forget the million that have died,
Forget destruction of a race,
Forget about their genocide.

Peaceful cries for humanity,
With ruthless violence are suppressed,
With torture, death and brutality,
But call it just Arrest.

A minority in their homeland,
Monks beaten, nuns violated,
Religion, culture, history banned,
A people being eradicated.

Under curfew the people wait,
Ever victims of repression,
That's the way that Tibetans celebrate
Their 50 years of oppression.

Snap Snap, Feign a grin,
The Peoples Camera is watching you,
You'd better hide the truth within,
Animals of the Peoples Zoo.

Go find out more

1 comment:

ausie said...

I heard among the horror stories was the systematic rape of every woman in Tibet to produce large numbers of children half Tibetan and half Chinese in order to break the Tibetan culture